29 January 2012

Batch 329; Immature?

Oh yeah one of these idiots/immatures is YOU brah! Seriously kenapa asal seseorang tak suka someone kau straight accused budak tu as "perempuan jealous". Seriously? DO tell me 

People say that "Eh biarlah dea nak macam tuh dah cantik", "Alaa kalau dah jealous tuh jealous lah", "People that judging him/her was jealous because not pretty/handsome as them" Seriously? Kau tak boleh lagi IMMATURE ke sekarang?  For god's sake, STOP IT man :/ 

Doesn't mean if someone judging someone means SHE/He is jealous or how about we explain through this, cuba bayangkan;

Ada orang tak suk Aika, tak kan korang nak cakap dea jealous kott? Broo tengok orang boleh eden ni dah lah buruk, gemuk lagi so macam tuh lah. Kemungkinan dea tak suka sebab perangai bukan sekadar muka manusia tu je, you shitass. Kau cakap aku immature sebab tak suka orang yang kau apa pulak? MATURED sangat lah tuh broo. Um sikit-sikit jealous, tak habis habis dengan ayat korang tuh menyamaph pulokss aku