28 January 2012

Batch 328; Ohh HAI :)

Isn't the girl up there is so prettay? I wish I were her

By the way, sorry for no-long-updated-blog ==' I'm just too lazy to update my blog tho I have too many stories to tell. Actually semua dah lupa, macam mana nak cerita? hewhew sorry. Cuma yang Aika nak bagitahu Aika dah start drive luar dari Rawang without my mum. 

Yeah, its kind of cocky here but it need to be told at this blog or where else can? 

First keluar pergi Sg. Buloh cause kenduri tahlil keluarga kawan. 2nd One Utama :D Then, Perpustakaan Negara include Mid Valley. Yang perpustakaan ini baru je berlaku semalam :) Oh yeah Aika memang tiada official license for car lagi tapi ops, dah nak bawa macam mano. Cuma Aika like can't believe that my mom had been given all of this permissions. Alhamdullilah :) Sekarang Aika on the way memujuk mum nak bawa kereta pergi sekolah and yeah, Monday ini dea bagi try. Again, Alhamdullilah :D K, bye